DA FORM 2408-34 – OH-58D Side/Transverse Roof Beam Record

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2408-34 – OH-58D Side/Transverse Roof Beam Record – The OH-58D helicopter is a vital asset to the military, and it must be maintained properly in order to continue providing safe transportation and operations. To facilitate this, the Department of Defense has created the DA Form 2408-34 – OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam Record. This form is used to track any repairs or modifications made to the OH-58D’s side transverse roof beam, which supports the aircraft’s rotor system.

Download DA FORM 2408-34 – OH-58D Side/Transverse Roof Beam Record

Form Number DA FORM 2408-34
Form Title OH-58D Side/Transverse Roof Beam Record
Published 03/01/2014
Prescribing Pub PAM 738-751
File Size 47 KB

DA FORM 2408-34 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2408-34?

The OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam Record, or DA FORM 2408-34, is an important document for any personnel assigned to work with the OH-58D helicopter. It serves as a record of inspection for the roof beam assembly and must be completed for each individual aircraft. The form requires that all maintenance personnel inspect the roof beam of each aircraft on a regular basis and make detailed notes of any defects or concerns.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2408-34?

The OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam Record, also known as DA Form 2408-34, is an important document used by maintenance personnel and inspectors to track the condition of aircraft. An up-to-date record for the OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam is essential for safe operation of the aircraft. This form provides a detailed checklist to ensure that all parts are in proper working order and that any deficiencies can be quickly identified.

DA FORM 2408-34 – OH-58D Side/Transverse Roof Beam Record

The DA Form 2408-34, also known as the OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam Record, is a key document in the helicopter maintenance process. This form provides an up-to-date record of the structural integrity and performance of the OH-58D aircraft’s side transverse roof beams. Additionally, it serves as a form of quality control to ensure that aircraft are safe to fly and maintain their airworthiness.

DA FORM 2408-34 – Example

DA FORM 2408-34 - OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam RecordDA FORM 2408-34 – OH-58D Side Transverse Roof Beam Record