DA FORM 872 – Requisition For Individual Officer Personnel

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 872 – Requisition For Individual Officer Personnel – The DA Form 872 is a requisition form used by the Army to request personnel. The form is used to request officers and requires the following information: name, rank, Social Security Number, organization, and signature of the requisitioning officer. The DA Form 872 is a simple form but is an essential part of the Army’s personnel system. The DA Form 872 is used by a commander to requisition personnel.

Download DA FORM 872 – Requisition For Individual Officer Personnel

Form Number DA FORM 872
Form Title Requisition For Individual Officer Personnel
Published 01/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 614-100
File Size 35 KB

DA FORM 872 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 872?

In the Army, every requisition for individual officer personnel must be submitted on a DA Form 872. The form must be signed by the requestor and include all of the pertinent information regarding the individual being requisitioned. This includes rank, name, MOS, and other identifying information.

The form must also include the specific reason for the requisition. Once the form is completed, it must be sent to the appropriate personnel office for processing. The Army has specific procedures that must be followed before an officer can be reassigned to a different MOS. These procedures involve the same type of paperwork and personnel offices as those used in processing individual officer personnel changes.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 872?

When an officer in the Army National Guard needs to requisition individual personnel, they will use the DA Form 872. This form is used to request personnel from another unit when the requesting unit does not have the necessary manpower. The DA Form 872 must be approved by the commander of the supplying unit before any person can be transferred.

DA FORM 872 – Requisition For Individual Officer Personnel

The DA Form 872 is a requisition for individual officer personnel. The form is used to request the assignment of an officer to a position. The form must be completed and signed by the requesting individual. Unit commanders must approve the form. The DA Form 872 is used to request the assignment of an officer to a position. The form must be completed and signed by the requesting individual. Unit commanders must approve any requests for officers.

DA FORM 872 – Example

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