DA Form 7852 – Individual Ready Reserve

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 7852 – Individual Ready Reserve – DA Form 7852 is an individual’s form to reserve a spot for the military. There are many uses for this form and it’s very important that you know the proper use for it. In this article, we’ll discuss the use of the form and where to get one. After you learn more about the form, you’ll be able to complete it and get your reservation started. We’ll also talk about the benefits of individual ready reserves.

Download DA Form 7852 – Individual Ready Reserve

Form Number DA Form 7852
Form Title Individual Ready Reserve
Published 03/01/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 135-133
File Size 34 KB

DA FORM 7851 (34 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7852

DA Form 7852 is an Army document. It is used by the Department of Army to keep track of details about an individual soldier’s training, assignments, and other details. There are many different titles for soldiers, and these can be updated over time. Soldiers may also be transferred from one unit to another during their service, or they may have active duty tours. DA Form 7852 should be filled out completely, with as much information as possible.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7852

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7850? This form is used to file applications for military relocation. There are several options available to Soldiers who want to transfer to another unit. These can be found on their installation’s homepage or can be requested directly from the gaining unit. Typically, these requests should be made online. Once this request is made, a Soldier can fill out a DA Form 5434, Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet. Once this form is submitted, Relocation Assistance personnel will contact the gaining unit.

DA Form 7852 – Individual Ready Reserve

The DA Form 7852 is the document required to sign a request to join the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). It is issued to individuals who are no longer on active duty and are eligible to return to the active service. Typically, individuals in the IRR do not receive pay. They are not required to drill, participate in annual training or do other military activities. However, they can elect to drill without pay or continue serving in an “Active Duty” capacity. Regardless of how they choose to serve, individuals in the IRR retain their status as military personnel, and their rank and specialty. There are three main programs: the Active National Guard, Selected Reserve, and the Individual Ready Reserve.

DA Form 7852 Example

DA Form 7852 - Individual Ready Reserve