DA FORM 7774 – Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7774 – Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement – The Department of the Army (DA) Form 7774, Promotion Qualification and Verification Statement is an important document for all members of the United States Army.

It is used to determine the qualifications of a particular soldier or officer for promotion within the ranks. This form provides a detailed overview of the individual’s experience, training, awards and decorations, professional development activities, and other important information. It also serves as an official record, verifying that a particular individual meets all requirements for promotion.

Download DA FORM 7774 – Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement

Form Number DA FORM 7774
Form Title Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement
Published 12/01/2022
Prescribing Pub AR 135-155
File Size 33 KB

DA FORM 7774 (49 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7774?

The promotion process for military personnel is a complex one, but an important part of a service member’s career. It determines their rank and the opportunities available to them. DA FORM 7774 – Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement is an important document used in the process of promotion. This article will explain what this form is, how it is used, who fills it out, and other helpful information on its use.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7774?

The military provides a number of ways to recognize the hard work and dedication of its members, one of which is through promotions. Promotions are an important part of any military career and require careful consideration.

To help streamline the process, the Department of the Army created DA Form 7774, which is known as the Promotion Qualification and Verification Statement. This form is a key document used to recommend a service member for promotion.

DA FORM 7774 – Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement

Promotion is an important milestone in any military career. It requires a great deal of hard work, dedication, and skill. To ensure that the promotion process is fair and equitable for all service members, the Department of the Army has established the DA Form 7774 – Promotion Qualification and Verification Statement. This form serves to verify that those seeking promotion meet all applicable standards for the rank they are trying to obtain.

DA FORM 7774 – Example

DA FORM 7774 - Promotion Qualification And Verification Statement