DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7771 – Enlisted Behavioral – If you have ever wondered What is a DA Form 7771, then you have come to the right place. We’ve got answers to your most burning questions about the DA Form, including where you can find it and what you need to know to get started. Keep reading to learn more about this military form. You’ll be glad you did! Here are the basics you need to know about the DA Form 7771 – Enlisted Behavioral-Health.
Download DA Form 7771 – Enlisted Behavioral
Form Number | DA Form 7771 |
Form Title | Enlisted Behavioral |
Published | 06/01/2021 |
Prescribing Pub | AR 635-200 |
File Size | 38 KB |
What is a DA Form 7771
When a soldier leaves the Army, they will need to fill out a form known as a DA Form 7771. This form is used to request personnel action, which may include training, reassignment, extra rations, and a name change. The more information that is included on this form, the quicker it will be processed. It is important to include a complete name, grade, social security number, and a signature to confirm that you want the requested action.
DA Form 7771 Example