DA Form 7764-16 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Music Production Technician)

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7764-16 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Music Production Technician) – If you have ever wondered What is a DA Form 7764-16, or Army Musician Proficiency Test, then you have come to the right place. This article will help you understand what a DA Form 7764-16 is, where you can find it, and how you can complete it.

Download DA Form 7764-16 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Music Production Technician)

Form Number DA Form 7764-16
Form Title Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Music Production Technician)
Published 12/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 220-90
File Size 43 KB

DA Form 7764-16 (1 download )

What is a DA Form 7764-16

A DA Form 7764-16 is a document that records the result of a musical assessment. These forms must be completed by a Special Band Musician. These musicians are required to complete 12 weeks of basic training. If they are unable to complete this training, they are not eligible for assignment outside the U.S., except in times of war. However, they may finish the remaining weeks of training within their unit.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7764-16

The DA Form 7764 series of reports is used to document the results of musical skill assessment. The form is a military document that must be completed by Special Band Musicians prior to assignment. It must contain a detailed analysis of expected benefits and must be endorsed by the commander and forwarded through higher headquarters for consideration. The form also contains specific guidance.

DA Form 7764-16 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Music Production Technician)

The Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (DA Form 7764-16) is an important document in the Army’s process for selecting musicians. It is used to determine a prospective musician’s technical proficiency and to initiate their processing into the Army Band Program. Although the instrument is technically demanding, it is also important to focus on phrasing.

In order to receive an Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (AMPA), applicants must first meet eligibility requirements. A successful applicant must meet the minimum required performance scores. Those who meet the requirements may receive a certificate of proficiency in music. However, if the musician does not meet the minimum requirements, they may have difficulty passing the test.

The Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (AMPA) is administered by the U.S. Army Adjutant General’s School. The commandant of the Army Adjutant General’s School is the principal proponent of the Army Music Career Program.

DA Form 7764-16 Example

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