DA FORM 7708 – Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7708 – Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation – DA FORM 7791 is a new form that was released by the U.S. Department of Army (DA) on June 1, 2019. People sometimes confuse this form with the DD Form 7791, but they’re not the same thing. Unlike the DD Form, the DA doesn’t publish separate instructions on how to fill it out. Instead, you can download it in PDF format from an online database.

Download DA FORM 7708 – Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation

Form Number DA FORM 7708
Form Title Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation
Published 06/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 190-13
File Size 134 KB

DA FORM 7708 (9 downloads )

DA FORM 7708 – Example

DA FORM 7708 - Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation 1 DA FORM 7708 - Personnel Reliability Screening And Evaluation 2