DA FORM 7651 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target

DAFORMS.NET DA FORM 7651 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target – The DA Form 7651 Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target is an important tool for snipers to accurately measure and record their shots on target. This form is designed to provide a standardized way of collecting data from shooting exercises, ensuring that all information is stored in the same format across multiple users.

It provides a detailed breakdown of each shot fired, including the location and the overall score. By recording this information, snipers are able to accurately assess their performance and practice more efficiently.

Download DA FORM 7651 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target

Form Number DA FORM 7651
Form Title Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target
Published 12/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 44 KB

DA FORM 7651 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7651?

The DA FORM 7651, otherwise known as the Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target, is an important form for any sniper to be familiar with and use in the field. This document is used by snipers to record the necessary data related to their engagement of a stationary target.

It provides a way for snipers to track their progress and accuracy over time, allowing them to make adjustments as needed. This form is also used to record the signature of each shot. The signature, or data, includes the type of bullet and its velocity, as well as a diagram of the target showing where the bullet hit and the point of impact.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7651?

In the world of military sniper training, accuracy and precision are essential. To help ensure that snipers are accurately engaging their targets, the United States Army has developed a stationary target data sheet known as DA FORM 7651.

This form provides a quick and reliable way for snipers to log their shots and assess their accuracy. Designed by experienced snipers, DA FORM 7651 provides the necessary information for proper target tracking and assessing shot placement.

DA FORM 7651 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target

DA FORM 7651 is an important document used by the US Army to record sniper target data. It is an essential tool to both military personnel and civilians alike, allowing them to keep track of targets that may be stationary or in motion.

The form provides a standardised method for recording key pieces of information such as distance, wind speed and direction, and other environmental factors. This article will provide an overview of what DA FORM 7651 is and why it is necessary for shooting accuracy.

DA FORM 7651 – Example

DA FORM 7651 - Sniper Target Data Sheet Stationary Target