DA Form 705 – Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 705 – Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard – If you’re wondering what a DA Form 705 is, read this article. It will answer your questions about DA Form 705 and where you can find a copy of one. Keeping a copy of this form is essential in the case of disciplinary action and in the event of a military accident. Listed below are some things to look for in a DA Form 705 and how to get a copy.

Download DA Form 705 – Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard

Form Number DA Form 705
Form Title Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard
Published 08/01/2021
Prescribing Pub ATP 7-22.01, FM 7-22.7
File Size 551 KB

DA Form 705 (54 downloads )

What is a DA Form 705

A DA Form 705 is a document that contains the results of various tests. The form contains columns for the scores and personal information of the soldier who passed the tests. The form must be filled out each time the soldier undergoes tests. It also contains standards for calculating scores. The scorecard contains the results of the physical fitness test and must include those numbers. The following are some examples of DA Form 705 documents.

DA Form 705 is used to record a soldier’s physical fitness level. It also has a space for the officer to sign and provide additional comments about the soldier’s performance. This form is mandatory for both the soldier and the officer administering the test. The DA Form 705 also has garnered a lot of attention from the physical fitness community in civilian society. It is possible to use an online calculator to calculate your DA Form 705 scores. Simply enter your age and gender and find out whether you’re in the appropriate age group.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 705

Where Can I Find a Army Physical Fitness Testing Scorecard? The Army Physical Test is a three-event exam that evaluates a soldier’s strength, endurance, and cardio-respiratory fitness. The results of the exam are used to determine an individual’s training needs. To find a copy of this form, click here. To view the scorecard, sign in to your profile on the Army website.

DA Form 705 contains information about several tests that a soldier has taken. Scores are listed in Table A-1. The form is completed for each test a soldier takes. These tests may be held one or more times a year. The scorecard lists the personal information of each soldier that passed the test. The form also contains the standards used for calculating scores.

DA Form 705 – Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard

The DA Form 705 – Army Physical Training Test Scorecard contains information about several different tests a soldier must complete during the course of a year. Tests may include push-ups, sit-ups, or a 2-mile run. Scores must be indicated in the form’s table. Soldiers will be required to fill out a DA Form 705 every time they are tested, and they must complete this form for each test. The form must be signed off by a supervising officer before the results are entered on the form. Additional comments can be added to the form as well.

The APFT is an assessment of an individual Soldier’s upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is an accurate indicator of a Soldier’s physical capabilities. The standards for the test are adjusted for age and gender, so that the test is appropriate for both genders. Moreover, a Soldier must complete the form correctly in order to receive a satisfactory score. The form also includes instructions on how to complete the form.

DA Form 705 Example

DA Form 705 - Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard