DA FORM 5964 – Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5964 – Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars – The Gunner’s Examination Scorecard (GESC) is a DA Form 5964 that is completed by the mortar crew leader during the mortar gunnery examination. The GESC is used to record the results of the gunner’s performance during the examination. The GESC must be completed for each individual member of the mortar crew. a. The crew leader uses the GESC to record the performance of each member of the crew and his own evaluation of that performance.

Download DA FORM 5964 – Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars

Form Number DA FORM 5964
Form Title Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars
Published 03/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 49 KB

DA FORM 5964 (12 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5964?

The DA Form 5964, otherwise known as the Gunner’s Examination Scorecard, is a form issued by the United States Army. It is used to assess and evaluate the proficiency of gunners in mortar operations. The scorecard consists of four parts: General Knowledge and Procedures, Load/Fire/Adjust Procedures for High Explosive Rounds, Load/Fire/Adjust Procedures for Illumination rounds, and Special Skills Test.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5964?

Maintaining a skilled and knowledgeable mortar team is essential for an effective and efficient artillery platoon. To ensure that each member of the team is meeting necessary standards, U.S. Army units use DA Form 5964 – Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars to track performance in mortar training exercises. This form allows leaders to accurately assess a gunner’s proficiency on basic fundamentals and target engagement procedures with the M224/M225 series light-weight mortars.

DA FORM 5964 – Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars

This article focuses on the DA Form 5964, also known as the Gunner’s Examination Scorecard – Mortars. It is an important form used by U.S. Army soldiers to evaluate and measure their proficiency in mortar operations. This scorecard is designed to help gunners become familiar with the equipment, identify potential problems and make decisions quicker in a battlefield situation.

DA FORM 5964 – Example

DA FORM 5964 - Gunner's Examination Scorecard - Mortars