DA Form 5582 – Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms)

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 5582 – Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms) – If you’re wondering, What is a DA Form 5582 aka Missile Firing Data Report ATACMs?, this article will help. Learn about this document and where to find it. Also, learn about the different kinds of forms. This article will cover the various kinds of forms that must be filled out in order to complete the Missile Firing Data Report Atacms. The first one is a property damage report, which is used to document the losses or damage to an item.

Download DA Form 5582 – Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms)

Form Number DA Form 5582
Form Title Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms)
Published 06/01/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 215-4
File Size 42 KB

DA FORM 5582 (6 downloads )

What is a DA Form 5582

The DA Form 5582 is used by the Department of the Army to take personnel action against a person. This can include training, reassignment, extra rations, or a change in name. The more information you include on the form, the quicker it will be processed. For example, if you’re seeking training for a new position, you should include your name, grade, and social security number. You should also indicate what type of action you’re seeking. Finally, you’ll need to sign the form.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 5582

The Oneida County District Attorney’s Office has 21 Assistant District Attorneys that cover 45 courts. These attorneys will help you find any document you are searching for. DA Form 5582R, MISSILE/MRS PRACTICE ROCKET FIRING DATA REPORT, and ATA CMS MISSILE/MRS PRACTICE DART FIRING DATA REPORT are just a few examples of documents you might need.

DA Form 5582 – Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms)

DA Form 5582 – Missile Fired Data Report Atacms enables you to submit data for each missile fired by your force. For example, if your force fires M3T2(Y)/81 missiles, the report should include the numbers for each of the missiles. Then, you’ll be able to compare this data with the data for other types of missiles.

The ATACMS system is derived from the ‘Assault Breaker’ technology demonstration program, which tested the concept of a ground-launched guided missile with guided submunitions. The Joint Tactical Missile System program, which was initiated in 1983, combined the Air Force Conventional Standoff Weapon and Army Corps Support Weapon programs to develop the ATACMS. The first missiles, known as Block 1, were in service during the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The US Army ordered 1,647 Block 1 missiles in 1997. They will be replaced with Block 1A missiles in the future.

DA Form 5582 Example

DA Form 5582 - Missile Firing Data Report (Atacms)