DA Form 5515 – Training Ammunition Control Document

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 5515 – Training Ammunition Control Document – DA Form 5515 is a form used to register ammunition. It is also known as DA Form 5515-1. The document specifies the training and control of ammunition. There are two forms, one for training and another for ammunition control. These forms must be filled out by a military or law enforcement agency to register ammunition. A copy of DA Form 5515 is required for ammunition control at every state or federal facility. DA Form 5515 is available for download here.

Download DA Form 5515 – Training Ammunition Control Document

Form Number DA Form 5515
Form Title Training Ammunition Control Document
Published 06/01/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 710-2, PAM 700-16
File Size 41 KB

DA FORM 5515 (33 downloads )

What is a DA Form 5515

DA Form 5515 is a sub-issue of DA Form 581. It contains two parts: Section A and Section B. Section A contains the document number, and Section B is for the number of copies to be made. It should be completed in the same manner as the other parts of the form. There are some differences, however. In this article, we will look at how the two forms are used.

The DA Form 5515 is used for a variety of purposes. In the case of training ammunition, it is used to establish the number of containers needed for training. This form is also used as a sub-hand receipt for training ammunition. It should include the description of the item, as well as the circumstances of the damage. In the event of a mishap, the form must include the exact location of the damage and the cause.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 5515

A DA Form 5515, also known as an ammunition control document, is a document used by the Department of Defense for reporting and registering firearms and ammunition sales. It must be filled out by the company or person responsible for the sale of the firearms and ammunition. This form should be completed and submitted in the specified format. For example, the DA Form 5515-1 is used for the purchase of ammunition.

In addition to requesting a weapon’s inventory, DA Form 5515 is also used to turn in residue and ammunition for disposal. It can be used to request training, basic or operational load ammunition. The TAMIS Control No field should be left blank. The document is easy to fill out and can be used on most devices. However, it is recommended that you check with your local law enforcement officials before submitting your request.

DA Form 5515 – Training Ammunition Control Document

DA Forms are documents that the Army requires to track ammunition used in military operations. These documents include DA Form 5515 – Training Ammunition Control, which is part of DA Form 5515-1, as well as DA Form 3022-R, which is a depot surveillance record. They also document the quantity of ammunition distributed. The DA 5515 form is divided into two sections, Section A and Section B. The number of copies issued must be listed in the “Lot Serial Number” box.

DA Form 5514-R summarizes training ammunition requirements, including quantity of DODIC, and provides the HQDA with the requirement at the beginning of the fiscal year. HQDA then authorizes training ammunition based on stock availability, funding, and transportation. This form is used to requisition training ammunition and feed WARS. To learn more about how this form works, read the following.

DA Form 5515 Example

DA Form 5515 - Training Ammunition Control Document