DA FORM 5414 – Administrative Return Rights Agreement

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5414 – Administrative Return Rights Agreement – If you have been wondering “What is a DA FORM 5414?” then you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about this form and its purpose in this article. This DA form is used by the US Army to document information about every US soldier. This form is very similar to the file you would keep for a civilian employee.

Download DA FORM 5414 – Administrative Return Rights Agreement

Form Number DA FORM 5414
Form Title Administrative Return Rights Agreement
Published 04/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 690-300
File Size 21 KB

DA FORM 5414 (4 downloads )

What is a  DA FORM 5414?

When you work in the Department of the Army, you may be asked, “What is a DA FORM 5414?” It’s a document that records information about each soldier in the service. It’s similar to a civilian employee file. The Army uses these forms for several different purposes. For example, soldiers can request training, extra rations, and name changes.

Where Can I Find a  DA FORM 5414?

A fillable DA FORM 5414 is a useful document that the US Army uses to keep track of each soldier’s qualifications. Similar to a civilian employee file, it records information about a soldier’s training, reassignment, extra rations, and name changes.

DA FORM 5414 – Example

DA FORM 5414 - Administrative Return Rights Agreement