DA FORM 5371 – Rotation Agreement – Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions

DAFORMS.NET DA FORM 5371 – Rotation Agreement – Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions – In this article, you’ll learn what a DA FORM 5371 is and where to find one. This form is used to create a Rotation Agreement between an employee and a company. It’s a legal document that must be signed and remains valid throughout any approved extension.

Download DA FORM 5371 – Rotation Agreement – Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions

Form Number  DA FORM 5371
Form Title DA FORM 5371 – Rotation Agreement – Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions
Published 04/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 690-300
File Size 33KB

DA FORM 5371 (2 downloads )

What is a  DA FORM 5371?

A Right-to-Know Request (RTK) is a legal request for public records. The Huntingdon County District Attorney’s Office handles these requests. It is important to remember that these requests cannot be made verbally or anonymously. You must clearly identify the records you want and include your name and address. You may also be required to pay a copying fee, but these fees are set in accordance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law.

Where Can I Find a  DA FORM 5371?

If you have a Right-to-Know Request and need information on a particular case, you can request it via the Huntingdon County District Attorney’s Office. However, you must make a written request. This request must include the case number, the case title, and the person’s name and address. The fee for copying the records is $.25 per page, and other fees are set in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know Law.

DA FORM 5371 – Rotation Agreement – Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions

A Rotation Agreement is an agreement between an employee and the Defense Agency (DA). This agreement becomes effective on the employee’s initial assignment and continues for any extension approved by the DA. It is binding and must be signed by both the employee and the DA.

 DA FORM 5371 – Example

DA FORM 5371 - Rotation Agreement - Employees Recruited From The Us Territories And Possessions