DA Form 5305 – Family Care Plan

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 5305 – Family Care Plan – If you have to complete a DA Form 5305, you’re not alone. In fact, millions of Americans are in the same situation. You may be wondering where to find the form and what it involves. Luckily, there’s help available. In this article, you’ll learn what the form is all about and where to find it.

Download DA Form 5305 – Family Care Plan

Form Number DA Form 5305
Form Title Family Care Plan
Published 07/01/2020
Prescribing Pub AR 600-20
File Size 54 KB

DA FORM 5305 (63 downloads )

What is a DA Form 5305

A DA Form 5305 is a document that must be signed and submitted by a dual-military spouse or Soldier to the Commander of their unit. Often referred to as a “Family Care Plan”, the DA Form 5305 is used to outline how a couple should handle a variety of parenting issues. The commander will review the DA Form 5305 to determine whether it’s appropriate for their situation. If it is, the AA commander will need to approve it. Once approved, the FCP must be current, accurate, and executable. If it is not, the unit commander must revise it and recertify it within 30 days.

The DA Form 5305 is used for military members who can’t care for themselves. They can get assistance or substitute care from civilians in case of medical issues. Dual military couples may also have dependent family members and can use a family care plan to designate a guardian for their children. The DA Form 5305 also specifies the procedures for obtaining access to military and civilian services.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 5305

The DA Form 5305 (aka the Family Care Plan) is a military document that examines the paperwork required for a family member’s care. It requires the Soldier to fill in their personal details and initial the appropriate boxes. The document will also detail the procedures to access civilian and military services and facilities.

The document must be submitted as soon as the pregnancy is discovered, but no later than 90 days prior to the expected date of the child’s birth. The Soldier should be counseled on their responsibilities in implementing the plan at the time of the counseling session. The counseling will address their individual concerns, such as how to care for the child.

The commander can designate an authorized representative to complete the counseling. This individual signs and initials the form on behalf of the commander. The commander will then use DA Form 7667 (Family Care Plan Preliminary Screening) to identify Soldiers who are at risk of losing their family care plan. Soldiers who feel their plan is at risk should seek legal counsel.

DA Form 5305 – Family Care Plan

A Soldier’s family care plan is a critical element in unit readiness. It is crucial for the unit to be ready for deployment within 24 hours, and the Family Care Plan is one way to ensure this. A Family Care Plan Counselor is available to assist Soldiers with completing the required forms. The package must be completed within 30 days for Active Duty Soldiers, or 60 days for Soldiers in the Reserve Component. The package must then be submitted to the commander for approval.

A Soldier’s FCP is reviewed and approved by their unit commander, and then stored on their unit file. The process may require only one or two steps, and the timing of each step depends on the Soldier’s individual situation. However, if a Soldier has the opportunity, he or she may decide to put one in place at any time. Soldiers who are required to have one will be counseled by a counselor using DA Form 5305, and the plan must be completed within 30 days of being approved.

DA Form 5305 Example

DA Form 5305 - Family Care Plan