DA FORM 4833 – Commander`s Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4833 – Commander`s Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action – The DA Form 4833, also known as the Commander’s Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, is an important document used by the United States Army. It is a form created by the Department of the Army to help commanders in documenting disciplinary and administrative actions taken against members of their command. This form can be used for both enlisted personnel and officers and should be completed when appropriate action needs to be taken.

Download DA FORM 4833 – Commander`S Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action

Form Number DA FORM 4833
Form Title Commander`s Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action
Published 03/01/2014
Prescribing Pub AR 190-45
File Size 623 KB

DA FORM 4833 (13 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4833?

In the United States Army, it is important to ensure personnel adhere to regulations and standards. When these are not met, disciplinary or administrative action must be taken. One tool used to document such actions is the DA Form 4833, otherwise known as the Commander’s Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action. This document provides a way for commanders to report any nonjudicial punishment (NJP) given to a soldier under their jurisdiction.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4833?

The DA Form 4833, or Commander’s Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, is an important document used by the military to document any disciplinary or administrative action taken against a service member. It is essential that this form be filled out accurately and completely in order to ensure that the appropriate action is taken and documented. This article will provide an overview of what information should be included on the DA Form 4833, as well as how it should be completed.

DA FORM 4833 – Commander`s Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action

The Army’s DA Form 4833, also known as the Commander’s Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action, is an important document for both commanders and soldiers. It serves as a record of any disciplinary or administrative action taken by a commander in response to an infraction of Army standards. This form outlines all details regarding the infraction committed and the action taken against the soldier, and it is kept on file with their personnel records.

DA FORM 4833 – Example

DA FORM 4833 - Commander`S Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative ActionDA FORM 4833 – Commander`S Report Of Disciplinary Or Administrative Action