DA FORM 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order – The DA Form 4103, “Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order” is a document used by businesses to request short-term loans from financial institutions to purchase visual information products.

The form is designed to be filled out in a simple and organized manner, making it easy for the lender to understand the needs of the business and assess whether or not they are qualified to provide the requested loan.

Download DA FORM 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order

Form Number DA FORM 4103
Form Title Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order
Published 02/01/2023
Prescribing Pub AR 25-1
File Size 36 KB

DA FORM 4103 (0 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 4103?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 4103, Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order, is an important document for those in the military who need to acquire visual information products for their missions. This form allows service members to borrow and return VI products from the U.S. Army Visual Information Support Center (VISC). It provides a streamlined process for service members to access the VI products they need to complete their mission.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 4103?

The DA Form 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order – is an important form for anyone working with visual information products. It is a Department of the Army form used to place an order for virtual information products. This form is used to authorize loan requests and establish conditions under which VI products may be used or loaned. The form also outlines requirements for viewing, exhibiting, returning, and disposing of such materials.

DA FORM 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order

VI products such as videos, CDs, DVDs, and slideshows require special documentation to loan them out. This is where the DA Form 4103 – Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order comes into play. A form is an important tool that helps to ensure that VI products are used responsibly and tracked properly. It consists of four parts which include authorization of loan request, disclosure of information purposes and conditions for use/loan of the product(s), access restriction information, and signature or verification by authorizing official.

The first section requires the completion of very basic data such as the requester’s name and contact information, item description along with quantity being requested for loan/use. In the second section, it has to be stated what will be done with the VI materials once they are received from the stock-point or library facility i.e. if these materials will be exhibited at a venue or displayed on a website, etc.

The third part requires details about who can access these materials during their loan period so that appropriate security measures can be taken if needed while the fourth section needs two signatures; one from the requester’s side and another from authorizing official’s side to verify that all given information is accurate and up-to-date before granting permission to use/loan requested Visual Information products.

DA FORM 4103 – Example

DA FORM 4103 - Visual Information (VI) Product Loan Order