DA FORM 3161 – Request For Issue or Turn-In

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 3161 – Request For Issue Or Turn-In – The DA Form 3161, or Request for Issue or Turn-In, is an important form used by the U.S. Army and other branches of service. This form is utilized to request supplies, services, and equipment from one individual to another.

DA Form 3161 also allows for the return of items that are no longer needed or wanted. It is a convenient form that simplifies the process of obtaining and transferring property within the military system.

Download DA FORM 3161 – Request For Issue Or Turn-In

Form Number DA FORM 3161
Form Title Request For Issue Or Turn-In
Published 12/01/2017
Prescribing Pub PAM 710-2-1
File Size 46 KB

DA FORM 3161 (15 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 3161?

The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth overview of the Department of Army (DA) Form 3161, otherwise known as the Request for Issue or Turn-In. This form is a document used by military personnel to request materials and services from the government, such as tools, clothing, ammunition, and more. It contains pertinent information about the item being requested, including its quantity, description, and cost.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 3161?

As a service member in the United States Military, completing and understanding paperwork is an important part of your service. One such form is the DA Form 3161, otherwise known as the Request For Issue or Turn-In. This form is used to document requests for equipment, supplies, and services from the Army Supply System. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of this form if you wish to ensure your requests are processed correctly.

DA FORM 3161 – Request For Issue Or Turn-In

In the United States Army, DA Form 3161 is a crucial document used to request supplies and equipment or to turn in excess items. The form is required for any item that needs to be released from an Army installation and must be completed by an authorized representative of the unit requesting the equipment. It serves as a tool for commanders to keep accurate records of all transactions and issue requests. Additionally, the form can also be used to send items between U.S. Army installations with different commands.

DA FORM 3161 – Example

DA FORM 3161 - Request For Issue Or Turn-In