DA FORM 260-1 – Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 260-1 – Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications – The DA Form 260-1 is a form used by the U.S. Army to request the publication of training, doctrinal, technical, and equipment publications. The form is used to ensure that all publications are accurate and up-to-date. The form is also used to track publications that have been requested but have not yet been published. The DA Form 260-1 is similar to the “Letter of Intent” used by the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy; however, it is used by all services in the Department of Defense.

Download DA FORM 260-1 – Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications

Form Number DA FORM 260-1
Form Title Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications
Published 06/01/2018
Prescribing Pub AR 25-30
File Size 79 KB

DA FORM 260-1 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 260-1?

The DA Form 260-1 is a request for the publication of DA training, doctrinal, technical, and equipment publications. The form is used to request the publication of DA training, doctrinal, technical, and equipment publications. The form is used by the Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) to request the publication of DA training, doctrinal, technical, and equipment publications.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 260-1?

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is responsible for the publication and distribution of Army training, doctrinal, and technical publications, as well as equipment publications. The APD provides DA Form 260-1, Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications, to personnel who wish to submit a publication for printing and/or posting on the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) website.

DA FORM 260-1 – Request For Publishing – DA Training, Doctrinal, Technical And Equipment Publications

The Army publishing process begins when an individual or organization within the Army submits a request for publication, also known as a DA Form 260-1. The form is then sent to the Army Publishing Directorate, or APD, which is responsible for ensuring that all Army publications are accurate, current, and meet the needs of the Army. APD will review the request and determine if it is feasible and if it meets all of the criteria for publication.

DA FORM 260-1 – Example

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