DA FORM 2185 – Artillery Counter Fire Information

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2185 – Artillery Counter Fire Information – The U.S. Army’s DA Form 2185, Artillery Counter Fire Information, is an essential document used to collect information in support of counterfire operations.

This form is used to record observations and intelligence gathered by personnel during artillery fire missions and is the basis for all subsequent counterfire actions taken by the Army. It allows soldiers to record significant data such as target area descriptions and enemy artillery locations, as well as record any kind of relevant information that can inform counterfire operations.

Download DA FORM 2185 – Artillery Counter Fire Information

Form Number DA FORM 2185
Form Title Artillery Counter Fire Information
Published 09/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 24 KB

DA FORM 2185 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 2185?

Having accurate and well-organized artillery counter fire information is essential to successful artillery operations. The U.S. Army’s DA Form 2185, also known as the Artillery Counter Fire Information form, provides a standardized method of recording and organizing this valuable data. This article will provide an overview of how to fill out the DA Form 2185 correctly and accurately, including what type of information should be recorded on the form and why it is important to properly document your data.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2185?

The United States Army makes use of different forms to process and record information, including the DA Form 2185, also known as the Artillery Counter Fire Information. This form is used to document all artillery counter fire activities within an organization, such as target location and munitions used. It is also used for tracking any changes in counter fire operations. Additionally, it provides a timeline of observation posts and duration of missions.

DA FORM 2185 – Artillery Counter Fire Information

This article will provide an overview of the DA Form 2185, otherwise known as Artillery Counter Fire Information. It is a form used by the United States Army to record target data obtained from field artillery operations. The use of this form is essential to understanding and analyzing hazardous conditions in the battlefield. Furthermore, it allows commanders and staff to better assess the enemy’s capabilities, enabling them to make informed decisions on how to respond in a timely manner.

DA FORM 2185 – Example

DA FORM 2185 - Artillery Counter Fire Information