DA FORM 2101 – Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 2101 – Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service – This article will discuss the DA Form 2101 – Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service. This form is a document used by the Department of the Army to provide additional guidance and instructions for a variety of electric services. It covers requirements related to electric service, electrical safety, inspections and testing, hazardous areas, environmental conditions, and more. The form’s purpose is to ensure that all aspects of the operation are properly addressed in order to ensure safe and reliable electric service.

Download DA FORM 2101 – Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service

Form Number DA FORM 2101
Form Title Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service
Published 03/01/2015
Prescribing Pub AR 420-41
File Size 29 KB

DA FORM 2101 (1 download )

What is a DA FORM 2101?

The Department of the Army has authorized the use of a DA Form 2101 in order to provide special provisions for electric service. This form is used when electricity usage and cost must be regulated in an efficient manner, and it provides an opportunity for military personnel and their families to save money on their electricity bills. The form provides guidelines for how to effectively monitor and manage electric usage, as well as detail the special provisions that are available to those who need them.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 2101?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 2101 is a special provision for electric service. This form provides detailed information about the quality and safety of electrical services in government buildings and installations. It also outlines specific procedures to be followed when ensuring that these services are adequately maintained and up to date. The DA Form 2101 outlines the requirements for general, temporary, or emergency electric services needed by any occupier of a building or facility.

DA FORM 2101 – Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 2101 provides essential information for electric service providers when working with the army. This form helps to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and standards for safe and reliable power supply. It outlines specific provisions that electric service providers must adhere to when providing electric services to any Army installations or activities. Additionally, it identifies what is expected from an electric service provider in terms of safety, quality, and reliability.

DA FORM 2101 – Example

DA FORM 2101 - Special Provisions A(S) Electric Service