DA Form 1695 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 1695 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment – If you are a veteran of the United States Army, you may be wondering what the DA Form 1695 is and where to find it. This article will answer your questions about this form and where to find it. In addition, you’ll learn how to complete it so that your enlistment paperwork can be easier to process and complete. DA Form 1695 is also known as the “Oath of Extension of Enlistment.”

Download DA Form 1695 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment

Form Number DA Form 1695
Form Title Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment
Published 06/30/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 601-280
File Size 27 KB

DA FORM 1695 (2 downloads )

What is a DA Form 1695

What is a DA Form 1695, and why do you need to know it? This form is used to request changes to personnel data files. It is easy to complete, and can even be filled out using your smartphone or laptop. Once you have a preview of the form, click on the form preview to begin. Then, follow the step-by-step editor to fill in your personal information, including your social security number and official identification.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 1695

A DA Form 1695 contains a person’s Social Security Number. This information is used to determine whether a person is eligible for continued service. If they are, DA Form 1695 is required for re-enlistment or extension.

DA Form 1695 – Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment

DA Form 1695 – Oathe Of Extension Of Enlistment is required when you want to extend your enlistment beyond the expiration date. The process involves taking a sworn oath before an authorized sworn officer. If you have a medical condition that requires extended time off from the military, the sworn officer must complete the DA Form 1695. Then, the sworn officer must take an oath.

DA Form 1695 Example

DA Form 1695 - Oath Of Extension Of Enlistment