DA Form 160 – Application For Active Duty

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 160 – Application For Active Duty – In this article, we will discuss DA Form 160 and where you can find it. This form is necessary for individuals who wish to join the military. It must be submitted to the current unit commander. However, it must also comply with the regulations applicable to the type of appointment you wish to apply for. If you are an enlisted person, you must submit this form to your current unit commander.

Download DA Form 160 – Application For Active Duty

Form Number DA Form 160
Form Title Application For Active Duty
Published 09/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 135-210
File Size 59 KB

DA FORM 160 (0 downloads )

What is a DA Form 160 ?

If you’ve ever been in the military, you may have seen DA Form 160. It’s a short form that’s used to determine whether a person is fit to serve on active duty. It is also used to schedule medical examinations and security screenings. Once you have completed the form, you can get an active duty order.

To complete the form, first sign it and verify that your email address is valid. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to import documents from your computer, cloud, or secure link. You can also customize fillable areas with text and images. You can even add comments to personalize the application to your own needs.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 160 ?

Getting your DA Form 160 is a quick and easy process. You will need to fill out the form accurately with accurate information. After you’ve completed it, make sure to store it in a secure place so you don’t lose it. The information that you enter into this form is extremely sensitive and you want to ensure that you’ve entered it accurately.

First, you need to complete the online application. You will need to use a supported browser. You can use Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, Google Chrome 58, or Microsoft Edge to complete your DS-160 application. The DS-160 is an electronic application that’s used for visa processing at the Department of State website. The form is also available through the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC).

Next, you’ll need to get endorsements from the first two commanders in your chain of command. You will also need two letters of recommendation from people you’ve worked for or who know you well. You will also need a security clearance. After completing all of these steps, your PAC/recruiter will be able to assist you in completing your Aviation Warrant Officer Flight Training application forms. Additionally, if you’re in the National Guard, you’ll need to submit an NGB-64 form.

DA Form 160 – Application For Active Duty

If you’ve been a member of the armed forces for at least five years, you may qualify for a DA Form 160. You’ll need to provide proof of your eligibility to serve. The DA Form 160 must be accompanied by a final determination. You need to submit this document with your DA Appointment Letter if you’ve served for at least five years. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait a minimum of six months to be able to re-enlist in a pay grade higher than your previous one.

DA Form 160 – Example

DA Form 160 - Application For Active Duty