DA FORM 1574-1 – Report Of Proceedings By Investigating Officer

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 1574-1 – Report Of Proceedings By Investigating Officer – The DA Form 1574-1, also known as the Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer, is an important form used by the U.S. Army to document investigations regarding nonjudicial punishment or Article 15 hearings. This form is used to record evidence and testimony collected during the investigation and provide a summary of any findings or results.

Download DA FORM 1574-1 – Report Of Proceedings By Investigating Officer

Form Number DA FORM 1574-1
Form Title Report Of Proceedings By Investigating Officer
Published 04/01/2016
Prescribing Pub
File Size 41 KB

DA FORM 1574-1 (8 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 1574-1?

The Army relies on the DA Form 1574-1, otherwise known as the Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer, to document investigations and their results. The form is used to collect evidence and information during an investigation into an incident or allegation of misconduct. This document serves as a record of all proceedings related to the investigation and is used as part of the process for making disciplinary decisions.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 1574-1?

The DA Form 1574-1, Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer, is a critical document used by the U.S. Army to track and document the results of investigations. This form contains details about the investigation process and outcomes, including information about the accused, witnesses, and available evidence. It is important for any investigating officer to understand the purpose and content of this form in order to ensure that all relevant information is recorded accurately.

DA FORM 1574-1 – Report Of Proceedings By Investigating Officer

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 1574-1 is an important document that must be completed in order to investigate any potential misconduct involving military personnel. This form is used by investigating officers to record all proceedings and evidence related to their investigation so that appropriate action can be taken. Investigating officers are responsible for ensuring accuracy and completeness when recording all relevant data within this form. It is also essential for such information to stay within the boundaries of confidentiality and respect for personal privacy.

DA FORM 1574-1 – Example

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