DA Form 12 – Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 12 – Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account – This article answers the question: What is a DA Form 12 and where can I find one? You can learn more about this document in our DA Form 12 – Request For Establishment article. This article will provide the necessary information you need to fill out the form correctly. In addition, it will provide you with some helpful tips to ensure your application will be processed properly. Also, you will be able to obtain a copy of this document when needed.

Download DA Form 12 – Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account

Form Number DA Form 12
Form Title Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account
Published 06/01/2021
Prescribing Pub PAM 25-38
File Size 35 KB

DA FORM 12 (9 downloads )

What is a DA Form 12

You need to know what a DA Form is and how to fill it out. DA forms are used to create, change, reset, and maintain accounts. You can fill out a DA form online, type, and even capture your signature. Once completed, you can send the form electronically or mail it in hard copy form. The most common uses of a DA form are establishing accounts, changing addresses, and resetting passwords.

The DA form 12 is used by the United States Department of Army to establish an account that allows soldiers to receive military publications and blank forms. This form must be completed before you can order anything from the Army. You can fill out a DA form online for free and print out the form for manual completion. You will need an email address in order to receive the DA form and a printed copy for your records.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 12

A DA Form 12 is required to open an Army publications account. The DA Form 12 should be filled out electronically or printed for manual completion. It should also contain a digital signature, unless you are opening a new account. Prior versions of the DA Form 12 are obsolete. This form applies to the Army in Europe Publishing & Library System during deployment, as well as the Directorate of Logistics.

If you need to request classified service, you must complete a DA Form 12-R. The form must be filled out completely and accurately by the test control officer. It can be obtained from your installation or personnel office. You will also need to fill out Block II of the form. The form can be obtained blank from the publications distribution center, installation publications stockrooms, overseas publications centers, and medical department activities.

DA Form 12 – Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account

The DA Form 12 – Request For Establishement (Form 12-R) establishes an account with the Centralized For Printing and Publications Command for receiving classified publications. You can fill out the form online or print it out and complete it by hand. You do not need to justify a blank form if you are submitting a request to upgrade an account. If you are in the military, the installation PCO can complete the form and forward it to the commander of the U.S. Army Publications and Printing Command (USAPPC).

DA Form 12 – Request For Establishing Account For Publications requires a number of data elements. This form is 8 1/2-inch by 11-inch paper. You can also have an electronic form generated. These forms must contain all the data elements and follow the exact format of existing printed forms. They will have the same form number and date as the current edition. In some instances, you may also need to send a hard copy of the DA Form 12-R to your PCO for approval.

DA Form 12 Example

DA Form 12 - Request For Establishment Of A Publications Account