DA FORM 8265 – Common Crew Score Sheet

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 8265 – Common Crew Score Sheet – Anyone who is part of a crew in the US Military will know how important it is to have and maintain accurate records of each member’s performance.

DA FORM 8265, or Common Crew Score Sheet, is one such tool used by military personnel to document the activities and productivity of their crews. This article will provide an overview of what information is found within the form and some tips for using it most effectively.

Download DA FORM 8265 – Common Crew Score Sheet

Form Number DA FORM 8265
Form Title Common Crew Score Sheet
Published 03/01/2015
Prescribing Pub TC 3-20.31
File Size 38 KB

DA FORM 8265 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 8265?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 8265, commonly referred to as the Common Crew Score Sheet, is an important tool for assessing the performance of military personnel. This form is used by commanders and other supervisors to rate and evaluate crew members on a variety of criteria related to their job roles. The results of this assessment are used to identify areas for improvement and to provide feedback for successful performance.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 8265?

The purpose of the DA Form 8265, otherwise known as the Common Crew Score Sheet, is to provide a means for supervisors and evaluators to report ratings and observations on the performance of their personnel. This form helps to ensure that all members of a military service unit are held to the same standards in order to maintain an effective fighting force. It is important for those filling out this form to be familiar with its content so that they can accurately assess and rate each individual in their crew.

DA FORM 8265 – Common Crew Score Sheet

If you are a member of a military crew, then you are likely familiar with the DA Form 8265. This score sheet is an important document for any military crew as it serves to track and evaluate the performance of each individual in the group.

It is designed to document the progress of the crew and determine which areas need improvement or further training. The DA Form 8265 provides an organized way for commanders to monitor their crew’s performance and also serves as a record for future reference.

DA FORM 8265 – Example

DA FORM 8265 - Common Crew Score Sheet DA FORM 8265 - Common Crew Score Sheet 2