DA Form 7868 – Scorecard For Sigint (35p) Mi Training Strategy Tier 4

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7868 – Scorecard For Sigint (35p) Mi Training Strategy Tier 4 – DA Form 7868 is the scorecard for Sigint 35p. It is required for soldiers who cannot perform aerobic exercise. When filling out the form, Soldiers must mark the no box with a numerical designator of 3 or 4. A numerical designator of 4 indicates that the Soldier has a severe physical or medical condition.

Download DA Form 7868 – Scorecard For Sigint (35p) Mi Training Strategy Tier 4

Form Number DA Form 7868
Form Title Scorecard For Sigint (35p) Mi Training Strategy Tier 4
Published 02/01/2020
Prescribing Pub TC 2-19.404
File Size 3 MB

DA Form 7868 (3 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7868

A DA Form 7868 is a medical record that is used by the military to document the limitations of a Soldier. It is used to determine if the Soldier’s limitations will prevent him or her from performing the duties of a MOS in his or her grade under worldwide deployable conditions. It is usually used to review a Soldier’s medical profile, commander recommendation, and official record brief.

Once the Soldier has completed the form, he or she must contact the PEBLO. The commander must be notified of any pending appointments, and he or she must make sure the Soldier attends these appointments. It is important for commanders to stay in touch with PEBLO and ensure that Soldiers attend these meetings.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7868

DA Form 7868 is a military form for requesting a medical evaluation. The purpose of this form is to notify the Soldier’s commander that he or she has been referred to the MEB for a medical evaluation. It must include the Soldier’s permanent profile on DA form 3349, physician’s narrative summary, a record of physical examination on DD form 2807-1 and 2808, last three NCOERs, and last APFT scorecard. A memo-random explaining why the Soldier failed to take the APFT may also be included in the commander’s evaluation letter.

The DA Form 7868 must be submitted at least 60 days before the Soldier’s projected separation date. If the Soldier has an ETS within 90 days of the DA Form 7868, he or must complete a declination statement that identifies his or her lack of ability to run an aerobic event. Soldiers who are within 90 days of ETS must also make sure that they do not have an obligation to the Reserve Component. If a Soldier chooses to accept an affiliation, he or she must appear before the MMRB before the Soldier’s projected separation date.

DA Form 7868 Example

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