DA Form 7857 – Scorecard For Targeting

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7857 – Scorecard For Targeting – The DA Form 7857 is a scorecard for your targeting crew. It will help you determine whether you’re targeting the right people for your marketing efforts. It’s an important document to have in your arsenal. Using it can improve your results by allowing you to focus on attracting the best prospects.

Download DA Form 7857 – Scorecard For Targeting

Form Number DA Form 7857
Form Title Scorecard For Targeting
Published 02/01/2020
Prescribing Pub TC 2-19.403
File Size 3 MB

DA Form 7857 (3 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7857

DA Form 7857 is a document that contains record details. This form is used by the Department of Army to process personnel action for soldiers. Such action can include training, reassignment, extra rations, and even name changes. The more information you provide on the form, the faster it will be processed. You should provide your name, grade, social security number, and the action you are seeking. You should also sign the document.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7857

If you have been inducted into the United States military, you’ve likely received a DA Form 7857. The form details information regarding your service. It replaces forms such as the gate iii crew gunnery table vi scoresheet, enlisted personnel management directorate, and u.s. civilian police. It also contains information related to your military status, including your current address.

DA Form 7857 Example

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