DA FORM 7820-4 – Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine Qualification Scorecard

DAFORMS.NET DA FORM 7820-4 – Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine Qualification Scorecard – The DA Form 7820-4 – Law Enforcement Day Rifle Carbine Qualification Scorecard is a document used by the U.S. Army to score and record a soldier’s performance during the Law Enforcement Day Rifle Carbine Qualification Test. The test is composed of three courses of fire, each with its own unique target and requirements. The scorecard is used to track the soldier’s progress and ensure that they are meeting the necessary standards.

Download DA FORM 7820-4 – Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine Qualification Scorecard

Form Number DA FORM 7820-4
Form Title Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine Qualification Scorecard
Published 03/01/2019
Prescribing Pub
File Size 188 KB

DA FORM 7820-4 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7820-4?

This article is about the DA Form 7820-4, which is used to score a qualification test for carbine rifles. The test is taken by law enforcement officers, and the scorecard is used to determine if the officer has passed or failed the test.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7820-4?

If you’re wondering “Where can I find a DA FORM 7820-4” or “What is a DA FORM 78204″, you’re not alone. This article will walk you through the information you need to know, as well as the requirements for a Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine.” You’ll also learn how to fill out the DA Form correctly, so that you can be eligible for the appropriate allowances.

DA FORM 7820-4 – Law Enforcement Day Rifle/Carbine Qualification Scorecard

The DA Form 7820-4 is the scorecard used by law enforcement personnel to qualify with their rifle carbines. This form is used to track the shooter’s progress and ensure that they are meeting the standards set by the department. The form is divided into three sections: target identification, shooting position, and number of rounds fired.

DA FORM 7820-4 – Example