DA FORM 7814 – Pistol Scorecard

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7814 – Pistol Scorecard – The DA FORM 7814 is a Pistol Scorecard. It is the same form that an M16 uses for qualification. It is used for awarding promotion points and recording weapons qualifications. The form is authorized by the Army G3 Directorate of Training. Para 5-6 of DA Pam 350-38 states that only Soldiers assigned additional optics may conduct a qualification event.

Download DA FORM 7814 – Pistol Scorecard

Form Number DA FORM 7814
Form Title Pistol Scorecard
Published 07/01/2019
Prescribing Pub TC 3-20.40
File Size 283 KB

DA FORM 7814 (16 downloads )

What is DA FORM 7814?

A DA FORM 7814 is a document that is required when a soldier receives additional weapons. This document is used for record-keeping purposes when a soldier earns promotion points for using an additional weapon. The document is typically the same as the M16 form.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7814?

In order to fill out the form, a soldier must delete their current primary weapon from DTMS, enter the new weapon score, and wait three to five days for the results to show on a PPW. The DA FORM 7814 2008 template makes it easy for users to complete the document online. Using advanced tools in the editor, the user can fill out the form online and use check marks and official identification information to sign the document.

DA FORM 7814 – Pistol Scorecard

The DA FORM 7814 – “Pistol Scorecard” is a requirement for a soldier to qualify with the M16. It records a soldier’s weapon qualification events and is used for promotion points. The same qualification record form is used for both the M16 and the M4.

DA FORM 7814 – Example

DA FORM 7814 - Pistol Scorecard