DA FORM 7811 – Sniper Scorecard

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7811 – Sniper Scorecard – Army DA forms and publications are produced by the Army Publishing Directorate. They use the latest technologies to create quality electronic forms and pubs. These forms and pubs are used in the Army, and they help the Army maintain standards and qualifications for small arms. You can find a variety of forms and publications online.

Download DA FORM 7811 – Sniper Scorecard

Form Number DA FORM 7811
Form Title Sniper Scorecard
Published 07/01/2019
Prescribing Pub TC 3-20.40
File Size 331 KB

DA FORM 7811 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7811?

What is the DA FORM 7811? And where can I find one? The Army Publishing Directorate produces Army DA administrative forms and publications. They are created using the latest technologies and are produced in high quality in electronic format. Some of the DA forms and publications are related to small arms. Some of them include 5.56mm ammunition, M4 firing cartridge, M858 firing cartridge, and M193 cartridge. There are also new standards and quals for these small arms.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7811?

You may be asking yourself: Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7811? If so, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are a number of online resources that can help you find the right form in no time. You can even download a sample DA FORM 7811 and start using it right away.

DA FORM 7811 – Sniper Scorecard

The Sniper Scorecard is a vitally important piece of documentation. Having this document on hand at all times is an invaluable tool for assessing the performance of your team. It may save your life! Read on to learn more about this form and learn how to properly complete it.

DA FORM 7811 – Example

DA FORM 7811 - Sniper Scorecard