DA Form 7793 – Request For Recoupment Wavier

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 7793 – Request For Recoupment Wavier – When it comes to the military, there are certain forms that must be filled out in order for requests to be processed. One of these forms is the DA Form 7793, known as the Request For Recoupment Waiver.

This form was created by the Department of Defense (DoD) to allow servicemembers to request a waiver from an existing debt or obligation owed to the United States Government.

Download DA Form 7793 – Request For Recoupment Wavier

Form Number DA Form 7793
Form Title Request For Recoupment Wavier
Published 01/01/2023
Prescribing Pub AR 621-5
File Size 49 KB

DA Form 7793 (0 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7793?

The form itself is a three-page document, with one page devoted to the servicemember’s basic information. The remaining two pages contain spaces for the servicemember to detail the specific reasons why they should be granted a waiver on their debt or obligation.

The form itself is a three-page document, with one page devoted to the servicemember’s basic information. The remaining two pages contain spaces for the servicemember to detail the specific reasons why they should be granted a waiver on their debt or obligation.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7793?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 7793 is an important form used to request a waiver of recoupment. It is used by members of the military, as well as their families, to ask for relief from having to repay the money or other property that has been improperly paid out.

This document serves as proof that the recipient of the payment was not aware of any wrongdoing and cannot be held liable for the repayment.

DA Form 7793 – Request For Recoupment Wavier

Receiving a request for recoupment from the Department of the Army (DA) can be both challenging and confusing. The DA form 7793 is the official form used to outline the details and reasons of why they are requesting repayment or recoupment of funds.

Understanding this process and how to go about responding appropriately is essential to obtaining a successful outcome.

DA Form 7793 – Example

DA Form 7793 - Request For Recoupment Wavier