DA FORM 7783 – Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7783 – Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement – Service members who are considering reenlisting are required to sign a written service agreement and mandatory disclosure statement, also known as DA Form 7783. This form outlines the terms of the member’s reenlistment and includes disclosure of any criminal history or pending civil actions. The form must be signed by both the service member and a representative of the Department of Defense.

The military services also require a service member who is being considered for reenlistment to complete a DD Form 398, Service Contract Application. This document asks the service member questions about his or her health and job performance. It must be completed by both the service member and their commander.

Download DA FORM 7783 – Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement

Form Number DA FORM 7783
Form Title Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement
Published 09/01/2018
Prescribing Pub AR 637-2
File Size 36 KB

DA FORM 7783 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7783?

In the Army, every service member is required to sign a DA Form 7783, otherwise known as a Written Service Agreement and Mandatory Disclosure Statement. This form outlines the conditions of your service, and failure to abide by these conditions could result in severe penalties. The most important thing to remember is that this form is not a contract – it’s simply a way for the Army to outline what is expected of you during your enlistment.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7783?

The DA Form 7783 is a written service agreement that establishes the terms of the working relationship between the Soldier and the Army. The form also contains a mandatory disclosure statement that requires the Soldier to disclose any financial interests that could conflict with their duties. This form is required for all Soldiers who are employed by the Army, regardless of rank or position. In the Army, Soldiers are held to a high standard of personal behavior.

The Army has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment and assault, which means that any Soldier found guilty of either will be immediately discharged from the Army. In order to ensure that all Soldiers understand this policy and agree to abide by it, they must sign a DA Form 7783 – Written Service Agreement and Mandatory Disclosure Statement. This form makes it clear that the Soldier understands the policy and agrees to comply with it.

DA FORM 7783 – Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement

In the Army, every Soldier is held to a high standard of personal conduct. The Army also recognizes that Soldiers are human beings and sometimes need assistance to deal with the stressors of military life. The Army has developed the DA Form 7783 – Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement as a way to help Soldiers who may be struggling with personal issues.

DA FORM 7783 – Example

DA FORM 7783 - Written Service Agreement And Mandatory Disclosure Statement