DA Form 7765 – Command Officer Representative Access Request

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7765 – Command Officer Representative Access Request – If you’ve ever wondered what a DA Form 7765 is, you’re not alone. The form is used to request bulk and packaged products and to turn in surplus supplies. Generally, you should fill out the form by hand, writing down the quantity of the item you’re issuing. ULLS S4 can also be used to automate this process. Another basic accountability record for supply point transactions is DA Form 3643. Both the vehicle operator and the convoy commander sign this form to document the transaction.

Download DA Form 7765 – Command Officer Representative Access Request

Form Number DA Form 7765
Form Title Command Officer Representative Access Request
Published 11/01/2020
Prescribing Pub AR 600-86
File Size 32 KB

DA Form 7765 (17 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7765

Soldiers who perform accountability prepare the DA Form 3644 by putting the information compiled on the DA Form 3643 into a single document. Then, they send it to the centralized stock accounting section. This form is used to verify the accuracy of the inventory of bulk fuel.

This form also provides a record of the number of employees in a company. Employees need to fill out this form to get paid. This document can be completed online with an online document builder. It allows you to enter a number of different fields, including the employee’s job title, rank, and pay.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7765

When soldiers make issues, they use DA Form 2765-1 to turn in excess supplies. Soldiers should fill out the form by writing the quantity of the issue. DA Form 7765-1 is now automated through ULLS S4 software. It is also used to record supply point transactions. The convoy commander or vehicle operator must sign the form to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

DA Form 4702-R is used to report inventory gains and losses on a monthly basis. It is printed on 8 1/2-by-10-inch paper. If inventory gains or losses exceed the allowable limits, the company must conduct an investigation. A report of the investigation must be attached to the form.

DA Form 7765 – Command Officer Representative Access Request

The ERS process is designed to set objectives for rated Soldiers, including their performance, potential, and special areas of emphasis. It also serves as a tool for personnel management and development. The ERS also identifies Soldiers who should be retained in their grade or removed, depending on their performance and potential.

DA Form 7765 Example

DA Form 7765 - Command Officer Representative Access Request