DA Form 7764-8 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Clarinet)

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7764-8 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Clarinet) – If you are thinking of joining the Army as a musician, you may need to complete the DA Form 7764-8. This form identifies your proficiency as an Army musician. It is required to be submitted to the military headquarters before you can perform your duties as a musician. Before you can complete this form, you must understand what it is and where to get it.

Download DA Form 7764-8 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Clarinet)

Form Number DA Form 7764-8
Form Title Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Clarinet)
Published 12/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 220-90
File Size 43 KB

DA Form 7764-8 (5 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7764-8

DA Form 7764-8 is a request for a change in status and is often required by a military branch. A military branch may request a change in status in order to keep an employee in the service. The change must be approved by the commander, senior legal officer, and forwarded through higher headquarters. The Army provides guidance for these changes in AR 25 – 30.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7764-8

The Army Musician Proficiency Assessment is a requirement for musicians to gain access to the Army Band Program. The assessment consists of various assessments related to professional development. In addition, the musician must be proficient in a range of techniques, including creative phrasing and dynamics.

Those who have prior service as an RC must complete a musical aptitude test. The applicant must pass the audition at the highest level of NCOES or BNCOC to qualify. Soldiers with the 42R MOS must also take a rigorous AIT at the School of Music.

DA Form 7764-8 Example

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