DA Form 7764-4 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Trombone)

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7764-4 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Trombone) – A DA Form 7764-4 is a document that must be prepared by a trial attorney presenting a government case. This form must identify the documents attached to it at the installation level. The custodian of the documents must also execute this form by certifying that the documents are true copies of official documents. The documents should be identified generally, but they do not have to be named specifically. The local level should also execute the upper portion of the form.

Download DA Form 7764-4 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Trombone)

Form Number DA Form 7764-4
Form Title Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Trombone)
Published 12/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 220-90
File Size 42 KB

DA Form 7764-4 (7 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7764-4

The purpose of the DA Form 7764-4 is to authenticate Army records. The form is contained in the appendix G of this part. The document must be self-authenticating. A DA Form 4 should contain certain information and be signed by a trial attorney.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7764-4

Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (AMPA) provides musicians with the minimum required scores to qualify for accessions and Noncommissioned Officer Education System qualifications. It also provides a variety of assessments related to professional development. This form is administered by the Army School of Music.

The ACASP program requires applicants to demonstrate the ability to perform band music in the Army. Applicants must meet the basic eligibility requirements and demonstrate technical proficiency through an audition in order to qualify. If successful, they will enter the Army as an SPC. The ACASP program will take at least two years to complete.

Army Bands are composed of Active Duty, Reserve/National Guard, and Special Bands. Before applying, you must complete the Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (AMPA). The exam consists of three parts: ceremonial music, prepared music, and quickly prepared music.

DA Form 7764-4 Example

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