DA Form 7764-3 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (French Horn)

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7764-3 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (French Horn) – Army Musician Proficiency. Whether you’re in the Army or a civilian, you need to complete this form in order to perform military music. In this article, we’ll explain what a DA Form 7764-3 is and where to find it.

Download DA Form 7764-3 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (French Horn)

Form Number DA Form 7764-3
Form Title Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (French Horn)
Published 12/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 220-90
File Size 42 KB

DA Form 7764-3 (4 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7764-3

The Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (AMPA) is a set of assessments that measure musician proficiency. It serves as a guide for those pursuing music careers in the Army, as well as for battalion and higher headquarters level commanders and staff officers of all levels. The AMPA also serves as a resource for musicians, providing references, forms, and glossary entries.

Army musicians who are interested in this career field must meet certain minimum requirements. First, applicants must complete AIT. They must also complete their proficiency training at a USASOM. Then, their RC unit commander may award them the MOS. To become a member of an RC band, applicants must meet the basic requirements and technical proficiency requirements.

DA Form 7764-3 Example

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