DA Form 7764-12 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Keyboard)

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7764-12 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Keyboard) – Before you begin filling out DA Form 7764-12, you should understand exactly what it is. It is an official form used for emergency or personal leave requests. The form asks you to provide personal information and specific details about the leave you are requesting. This form is a mandatory requirement for those who are enlisted in the U.S. Army.

Download DA Form 7764-12 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Keyboard)

Form Number DA Form 7764-12
Form Title Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Keyboard)
Published 12/01/2019
Prescribing Pub AR 220-90
File Size 47 KB

DA Form 7764-12 (5 downloads )

What is a DA Form 7764-12

A DA Form 7764-12 is a government form used to file an application for a waiver of regulations. It should contain a full analysis of the expected benefits of the waiver. The request must be endorsed by the commander and forwarded to higher headquarters. AR 25 – 30 provides specific guidance on this matter.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7764-12

This form is used when the applicant is applying for a waiver to a regulation. The application must include a full analysis of the benefits expected from the change. It must be reviewed and approved by a senior legal officer, endorsed by the commander and forwarded to higher headquarters. The guidelines provided in AR 25 – 30 provide specific guidance for the process.

DA Form 7764-12 – Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Ampa) (Keyboard)

The Army Musician Proficiency Assessment (Trumpet) is used to determine an individual’s proficiency in music. It is a requirement for accessions and the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. This assessment measures various aspects of an individual’s professional development, including phrasing. The form also assesses technical ability.

This form is administered to Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve musicians who are interested in joining the Army Bands. It may be voluntary, but failure to submit it may delay the administrative action. Applicants should carry the form in hand. If a recruiter is unsure whether an applicant is eligible, they can request documentation to confirm the applicant’s qualifications.

Applicants must meet eligibility requirements and must also meet technical proficiency requirements. They must have completed the AIT at the School of Music. Then, they must complete proficiency training at USASOM. If they meet the requisite qualifications, the RC unit commander may award the MOS.

DA Form 7764-12 Example

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