DA Form 7691 – First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7691 – First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet – First Class Diver Qualification is a process that requires a DA Form 7691. These documents are used for several different purposes and can help you prove your qualifications to the Department of Defense (DOD). You can use these forms to apply for first class certification, extra rations, or name change. The more information you provide, the faster your request can be processed. You must include your name, grade, and social security number, and indicate which type of action you are seeking. Remember to sign the form as well.

Download DA Form 7691 – First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet

Form Number DA Form 7691
Form Title First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet
Published 02/01/2020
Prescribing Pub AR 611-75
File Size 56 KB

DA Form 7691 (1 download )

What is a DA Form 7691

The DA Form 7691, also known as the personnel action form, is used by the Department of Army (DA). Soldiers use it when they need to request certain kinds of personnel action, including reassignment, extra rations, or name changes. The more information you provide on the form, the faster it will be processed. It should include your name, grade, social security number, and the kind of action you wish to receive. You should also sign it.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7691

If you’re looking to substantiate a period of active duty training (ADT) you may use your travel voucher or OER, which will help you prove your time spent in training. You can also use a Certificate of Attendance signed by your commanding officer. The Department of the Army also offers a form search engine and publications database, where you can download DA Forms in six different formats. The catalog is organized by major commands and divisions. For Coast Guard forms, you’ll need the software JetForm Filler 4.x to fill out the forms. You can also download batches of forms in ZIP format.

DA Form 7691 – First Class Diver Qualification Worksheet

In order to become a Navy Diver, you must be physically fit and possess a high level of personal security clearance. You will also have to pass a psychological test called the C-SORT test. This test measures your mental resilience, performance strategies, and personality traits. It is scored on a scale of one to four, and the score is used to determine a candidate’s eligibility.

DA Form 7691 Example

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