DA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service – It is essential for businesses utilizing Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) service to be aware of the regulations and provisions included in DA FORM 7688.

This form, issued by the Department of Defense, outlines the safety requirements that must be followed when using LPG in order to ensure the safe use of these products. It also provides guidance on licensing and affirms compliance with all applicable state and federal laws.

Download DA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service

Form Number DA FORM 7688
Form Title Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service
Published 03/01/2015
Prescribing Pub AR 420-41
File Size 29 KB

DA FORM 7688 (0 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7688?

The DA Form 7688 is a document used by the US Department of Defense to establish special provisions for liquefied propane gas (LPG) service.

This form is an important tool for military personnel, as it outlines specific requirements and standards for the safe transport, storage, and usage of this fuel source. Through the use of this form, service members can ensure that their LPG operations remain compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7688?

Special provisions L(S) of the DA Form 7688 apply to any individual, business, or agency that wants to provide liquefied propane gas service.

It is important for individuals and businesses looking to offer this type of service to understand the requirements outlined in this form. The regulations set forth the safety standards, operational procedures, and financial obligations necessary for providing liquefied propane gas services.

DA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service

For those looking to provide their homes or businesses with a reliable and efficient source of energy, DA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service is an excellent option.

This form can be used to ensure that all necessary regulations are met when providing liquefied propane gas services. By utilizing this form, it is possible to ensure that everyone involved in the process is following the necessary safety requirements for the safe operation of propane gas service.

DA FORM 7688 – Example

DA FORM 7688 - Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas ServiceDA FORM 7688 – Special Provisions L(S) Liquefied Propane Gas Service