DA FORM 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target – The DA Form 7636, also known as the Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target, provides snipers with an essential tool for tracking and recording target data. This form is used to document all the necessary data required when shooting against a moving target, such as range, wind direction and speed, temperature, ammunition used, and other relevant information. It is designed to be used by individual snipers or teams of snipers to accurately measure the effectiveness of their shooting performance.

Download DA FORM 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target

Form Number DA FORM 7636
Form Title Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target
Published 12/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 44 KB

DA FORM 7636 (5 downloads )

What is a  DA FORM 7636?

The DA Form 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target is an essential document used by snipers in the US military. It is a widely used form, regularly filled out and submitted by snipers when they identify and engage a moving target. This document contains important information such as the distance between the sniper and the target, the direction of travel, and other characteristics of the target.

Where Can I Find a  DA FORM 7636?

The DA Form 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target is an important document used within the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. As its title implies, it is used to collect data on targets of a sniper in a moving environment, such as during live-fire training or actual combat situations. It is important to understand the purpose of this form and how it should be properly filled out in order to create effective records of target engagement.

DA FORM 7636 – Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target

Sniper target data sheets are essential to any sniper mission and the DA FORM 7636 is a critical tool for snipers and their teams. The form is an official document used by the U.S. Army to record the data of a moving target during a combat mission. This article will provide an overview of the DA FORM 7636, commonly known as the Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target, its purpose, and how it can be used to maximize efficiency during a mission.

DA FORM 7636 – Example

DA FORM 7636 - Sniper Target Data Sheet Moving Target