DA FORM 7632 – Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7632 – Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD) – The U.S Army requires that any and all deviations from established standards must be approved by a senior-level officer via the DA FORM 7632 Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (Darad).

This form is designed to ensure that all risks associated with the deviation are understood, accepted and mitigated as appropriately. As such, it is important for service members to have an understanding of what this document is and how it should be completed.

Download DA FORM 7632 – Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD)

Form Number DA FORM 7632
Form Title Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD)
Published 04/01/2015
Prescribing Pub PAM 385-30
File Size 273 KB

DA FORM 7632 (3 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7632?

Deviation approval and risk acceptance is an important part of any successful organization. The Department of the Army’s DA Form 7632, also known as the Deviation Approval and Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD), provides a formal process for authorizing deviations from established standards and accepting associated risks. This form enables organizations to assess the potential impacts of deviating from accepted practices and document decisions regarding the acceptability of such deviations.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7632?

The Department of the Army’s DA FORM 7632, otherwise known as the Deviation Approval and Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD), is an important document for Defense Contractors. This form is used to gain approval for any deviation from performance requirements in the contract, as well as to formally acknowledge that any associated risks have been accepted.

DA FORM 7632 – Deviation Approval And Risk Acceptance Document (DARAD)

The Deviation Approval and Risk Acceptance Document, or DA FORM 7632, is a crucial tool for any organization that seeks to pursue a deviation from standard procedures. This document is used to grant permission for the deviation and acknowledge the potential risks associated with it.

It allows organizations to track their decisions and keep themselves accountable for their actions. Using this document helps ensure that all deviations are properly documented, approved, and reviewed.

DA FORM 7632 – Example

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