DA FORM 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position)

DAFORMS.NET DA FORM 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position) – The M2 .50 caliber heavy barrel machine gun firing table is designed to allow Soldiers to engage targets at ranges up to 500 meters while mounted or dismounted, prone or fighting position. The day practice scorecard consists of five columns, each column containing a different range distance and target type. This allows the Soldier to quickly and easily record their score for each round fired.

Download DA FORM 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position)

Form Number DA FORM 7448
Form Title M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position)
Published 04/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 33 KB

DA FORM 7448 (4 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7448?

The DA Form 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I is a scorecard designed to help personnel evaluate their day-to-day performance while firing the M2 heavy barrel machine gun from various positions. The table includes shooting scores for mounted, prone, and fighting position shooting.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7448?

  1. The DA Form 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, is a scorecard that can be used to track day-to-day practice firing of the machine gun.
  2. The scorecard can be used mounted or dismounted, prone or fighting position.
  3. The scorecard has columns for range, time, target type, number of rounds fired, and results.
  4. The scorecard has rows for each position and the number of rounds fired. 5. The scorecard can be used to evaluate performance. 6. The scorecard will be issued to all personnel who fire the M2 heavy barrel machine gun in training, combat, and garrison situation. 7.

DA FORM 7448 – M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position)

  1. DA Form 7448 is a scorecard designed to record the results of day-to-day firing of the M2 .50 caliber machine gun.
  2. It was developed as part of the Army’s efforts to standardize machine gun practice across the force.
  3. The card is divided into three sections: mounted, prone, and fighting position.
  4. The mounted position scorecard includes scores for the M2 in day-to-day firing.
  5. The prone scorecard includes scores for the M2 in day-to-day firing of all types of targets, including moving and stationary vehicles, personnel, and aircraft.
  6. The fighting position scorecard includes scores for the M2 in day-to-day firing of all types of targets, including moving and stationary vehicles, personnel, and aircraft.
  7. The card is designed to be filled out by the individual performing the fire and returned to the unit commander for scoring.

DA FORM 7448 – Example

DA FORM 7448 - M2 Caliber .50 Heavy Barrel Machine Gun Firing Table I, Day Practice Scorecard (Mounted Or Dismounted, Prone Or Fighting Position)