DA Form 7279-1 – Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 7279-1 – Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution – You may be wondering: What is a DA Form 7279-1, and where can I find one? In this article, you’ll find answers to these questions. If you’re looking for the Equal Opportunity and Harassment Act complaint form, you’ve come to the right place.

Download DA Form 7279-1 – Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution

Form Number DA Form 7279-1
Form Title Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution
Published 07/01/2020
Prescribing Pub AR 600-20
File Size 36 KB

DA Form 7279-1 (1 download )

What is a DA Form 7279-1

Using a DA Form 7279 template will help you streamline your document workflow. Instead of printing out each document and scanning them, you can create a digital signature and use signNow to sign your documents electronically. SignNow’s intuitive interface makes it easy to create and fill out forms. It also allows you to easily share your forms with other people. Just follow the steps outlined in the user guide to get started.

This online form allows you to fill out all the required information and submit your formal complaint. Once you have completed it, you can edit it and save it automatically. While this process used to require printing and scanning documents, it’s now more convenient than ever to complete your documents online.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 7279-1

If you need to file a complaint, you will need to know where to find a DA Form 7279-1. This form must be filed 60 days after an incident. It must state the specific issue, the names of the witnesses, and the date of the occurrences. It must also state the basis for the complaint. A complaint can be filed informally in various ways. In some instances, an individual may just want to report inappropriate behavior without conducting a full investigation. In other cases, the complainant may resolve the issue themselves without requiring a formal complaint.

For instance, if a member of the military alleges sexual harassment or sexual assault, they can fill out a DA Form 7279-1. The military has an equal opportunity representative for such cases. This way, a person can easily report any incidents that may affect them.

DA Form 7279-1 – Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution

Filing a DA Form 7279-1 – Equal Opportunities And Harassment complaint is an important step in the harassment and discrimination complaint process. In the United States military, sexual assault and harassment is against the law. The form you fill out will be filed with the appropriate evaluator, and it will be reviewed by the Inspector General. However, you need to file the complaint as soon as possible. Generally, you have 60 days from the date of the incident to pursue the complaint. After that, the commander has the final say whether or not the complaint will be pursued.

To file a complaint, you must fill out DA Form 7279-1 within 60 days of the incident. The form requires you to identify the alleged issue and state its eo basis. You can also file an informal complaint if you agree with the findings of the investigating officer. Informal complaints, on the other hand, are not considered formal complaints.

DA Form 7279-1 Example

DA Form 7279-1 - Equal Opportunity And Harassment Complaint Resolution