DA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials – The DA Form 7273, Access Agreement For Oral History Materials, is a legal document that must be signed by anyone requesting access to oral history materials.

The form requires the requester to provide information about themselves and their intent for using the materials. It also requires the repository to review the request and to make a determination whether or not to grant access. If access is granted, the repository must provide a copy of the agreement to the requester.

Download DA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials

Form Number DA FORM 7273
Form Title Access Agreement For Oral History Materials
Published 05/01/2015
Prescribing Pub AR 870-5
File Size 45 KB

DA FORM 7273 (0 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 7273?

The oral history of our country is a valuable part of its legacy. To ensure that these stories and memories are preserved for generations to come, the Department of the Army has developed DA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials.

This form will help to protect the rights of both individuals providing oral histories and those wishing to access them. It will also help to ensure that any materials collected in accordance with DA FORM 7273 will remain available for research, study, and other uses.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 7273?

The collection of oral history materials is an invaluable resource for researchers. In order to protect the integrity of such materials, the United States Department of the Army has developed a form called DA Form 7273, entitled “Access Agreement for Oral History Materials”.

This document outlines the regulations and guidelines that must be adhered to by those wishing to access and use these materials. It specifies the terms of access and copyright considerations associated with using these artifacts.

DA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials

The DA FORM 7273, Access Agreement for Oral History Materials, is an important form to ensure the preservation of recorded oral histories. It serves as a way to document a researcher’s commitment to protecting the materials they are granted access.

This agreement allows both parties involved in the access of oral history materials – the researcher and the archive – to understand their rights and responsibilities regarding these materials.

DA FORM 7273 – Example

DA FORM 7273 - Access Agreement For Oral History MaterialsDA FORM 7273 – Access Agreement For Oral History Materials