DA Form 638 – Recommendation For Award

DAFORMS.NETDA Form 638 – Recommendation For Award – DA Form 638, also known as the DA Recommendation for Award, is a legal document used to recommend awards to members of the military. This document must be properly filled out and signed by each member of the chain of command. Additional personnel may be listed on an addendum to the form. When the form is complete, it must be sent to the appropriate HQ for processing. However, there are some requirements to fill out before the document is sent to the military.

Download DA Form 638 – Recommendation For Award

Form Number DA Form 638
Form Title Recommendation For Award
Published 04/01/2021
Prescribing Pub AR 600-8-22
File Size 161 KB

DA Form 638 (61 downloads )

What is a DA Form 638

The DA Form 638 is a document that outlines the steps involved in the awarding process. It is filled out by the approving authority and runs through the chain of command. The form can be completed online using a template, printed out and sent to the United States Army Department for processing. Once it is approved, the awarding organization will issue instructions for the distribution of the award. For more information, visit the official website.

DA Form 638 is a standard form used by the Department of the Army for award recommendations. This form is not used to recommend wartime or heroism awards, though. The DA 638 is available online through the United States Army documentation site, as well as other sources. The information needed to fill out the form depends on the type of award you are seeking. The DA Form 638 is made up of four parts, each covering one page.

Where Can I Find a DA Form 638

A DA Form 638 is a document used by ranking officials to approve awards, recommendations, and other documents. The form must contain all of the essential elements required for a standard award. Using a template from an online resource can make the process easier. A template will contain the following information: full legal name of the soldier, social security number, proposed presentation date, branch of service, and award order data. After filling in all of the necessary information, the DA 638 must be submitted to the United States Army Department. Once the award has been approved, the awarding organization will issue instructions on how to present it. The best way to send an official document is through certified mail, because it provides proof of receipt.

Before submitting a DA Form 638, it is necessary to fill out the form accurately. First, you must complete the first part of the form. This is where you fill out the information about the soldier. Fill in their full name, social security number, organization, and military rank. You must make sure that the military rank of the soldier matches the information listed on the most recent Officer Record Brief or Enlisted Record Brief.

DA Form 638 – Recommendation For Award

DA Form 638 is an important document in the process of issuing an award. It has many important sections that must be completed correctly in order to receive approval. It is the responsibility of the approving authority to fill in the sections as the form passes through the chain of command. This document also ensures that the right award is issued to the right soldier. Moreover, it prevents the incorrect processing of awards for soldiers who are under adverse action.

The DA Form 638 is easy to fill in, but due diligence is required to ensure that the information is accurate. When filling out the form, make sure to include the details of the office above the recommender and the approval authority. If the award is approved, the recommender will receive a letter acknowledging the recommendation. Otherwise, the recommender may not receive the award. Hence, it is important to complete the form completely before submitting it.

DA Form 638 Example

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