DA FORM 5699 – Howitzer Range Card

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5699 – Howitzer Range Card – This article will provide an overview of the DA Form 5699, otherwise known as the Howitzer Range Card. It is a form used by members of the United States Army to calculate and document information related to howitzers and other weapons used in field artillery. The use of this form is critical for the accuracy and safety of howitzer operations.

Download DA FORM 5699 – Howitzer Range Card

Form Number DA FORM 5699
Form Title Howitzer Range Card
Published 05/01/2016
Prescribing Pub ATP 3-09.50
File Size 23 KB

DA FORM 5699 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5699?

The DA Form 5699, also known as the Howitzer Range Card, is an important tool for field artillery soldiers. It is a form used to accurately record and document range data during the firing of a howitzer. The appropriate use of this form can help ensure that artillery fire is conducted safely and accurately. Knowing how to properly complete a DA Form 5699 is essential for all field artillery personnel and it can be challenging to master.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5699?

The DA Form 5699, also referred to as the Howitzer Range Card, is an essential tool for any artilleryman. It is a form that has been used in the United States Army since 1976, and it serves as a guide to help soldiers accurately fire their howitzers. The range card allows gunners to accurately calculate range, deflection and elevation data needed for firing projectiles. Knowing how to correctly complete and use this form is critical for successful artillery operations.

DA FORM 5699 – Howitzer Range Card

The expertise of a soldier lies in their ability to accurately and effectively use weapons. The DA FORM 5699, more commonly known as the Howitzer Range Card, is an important tool that helps soldiers do just that. This document assists soldiers in completing their mission by providing them with critical fire control information. It also allows for an accurate prediction of the trajectory and effect of rounds fired from a howitzer cannon.

DA FORM 5699 – Example

DA FORM 5699 - Howitzer Range Card