DA Form 5682 – Materiel Requirements List

DAFORMS.NET – DA Form 5682 – Materiel Requirements List – What is a DA Form 5682? Here is an explanation of this materiel requirements list. The purpose of this form is to gather the information that the materiel requirement coordination package needs to develop materiel requirements. It is a standardized document that is typically reproduced locally or automatically. The fielding command should adjust the spacing on the form to ensure all data elements are included. The materiel requirements coordination package is developed using DA Form 5682-R, although other automated forms may be acceptable to the receiving command.

Download DA Form 5682 – Materiel Requirements List

Form Number DA Form 5682
Form Title Materiel Requirements List
Published 04/01/2022
Prescribing Pub PAM 770-2
File Size 97 KB

DA FORM 5682 (21 downloads )

What is a DA Form 5682

A DA Form 4187 is also known as a Personnel Action form. It is used by soldiers to request personnel actions, such as extra rations or training, as well as name changes. The more information you can include on this form, the faster it will be processed. You will need your name, social security number, and grade. Then, indicate what type of action you are seeking and sign the form.

DA Form 5682 – Materiel Requirements List

The Defense Agency requires all contractors to submit the DA Form 5682 – Materiel requirements list. This list contains all the items that the contractor needs to perform their job. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has integrated management responsibilities and logistics management duties. The list does not include machines controlled by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing, special inks, or office devices and accessories. The contractor must register for this form and then fill out its fields.

The MRL is compiled on DA Form 5682-R and is a document that identifies the materiel required for a particular mission. The form is locally reproduced or automatically produced. The fielding command may adjust spacing, but should ensure that all data elements are included. The materiel requirements coordination package will be developed using the DA Form 5682-R, but other automated forms may be acceptable to the receiving command.

DA Form 5574 – Assurance Of Compliance

DA Form 5682 – Materiel Requests List (MRL) is a detailed document that lists required materiel, publications, and documentation for fielding a materiel system. This document will be included in the materiel requirements coordination package. The MRL is one of many documents that must be submitted to coordinate materiel acquisitions. The DA Form 5682-R is the most common format for the materiel requirements coordination package.

DA Form 5682 – Materiel requirement list is the government’s requirement for the procurement of various types of equipment. The list must be updated at least once per year, unless otherwise specified. Materials and equipment must be in good condition and fit for use on the project. In addition, all items must be up-to-date and in good condition, and the list must be accurate and up-to-date.

DA Form 5682 Example

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