DA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization (Request/Change)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization (Request/Change) – The DA Form 5648 AGR Job Authorization (Request Change) is an important document for members of the U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard who are seeking to change their job position in the armed forces.  The form outlines all necessary requirements and procedures for making a request for a new job title and assignment, as well as the responsibilities of each party involved in the process.

Download DA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization (Request/Change)

Form Number DA FORM 5648
Form Title AGR Job Authorization (Request/Change)
Published 09/01/2017
Prescribing Pub
File Size 114 KB

DA FORM 5648 (2 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5648?

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 5648 AGR Job Authorization (Request Change) is a critical document for members of the Active Guard Reserve program. It serves as a formal request to change an existing job authorization or to start a new one. This form is used to ensure compliance with federal regulations, as well as to ensure that proper functions are performed efficiently and effectively.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5648?

The United States Army has established a form known as the DA Form 5648, AGR Job Authorization (Request Change). This form provides an effective way to track and manage a Soldier’s authorized additional duty jobs. It is important to note that the DA Form 5648 must be completed by both the Soldier and their supervisor to ensure proper approval. By filling out this form, supervisors are able to document and authorize requests for changes in Soldiers’ additional duties.

DA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization (Request/Change)

The DA Form 5648 AGR Job Authorization (Request Change) is a critical document for any Army National Guard (ARNG) Soldier or manager. This form allows ARNG Soldiers to request changes in their current Assignment, Grade, and/or Status, and it must be properly completed before the change can take effect.

DA FORM 5648 – Example

DA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization Request_Change Page 1 DA FORM 5648 – AGR Job Authorization Request_Change Page 2