DA FORM 5646 – Statement Of Conditions Of Service – Active Guard Reserve (AGR)

DAFORMS.NETDA FORM 5646 – Statement Of Conditions Of Service – Active Guard Reserve (AGR) – The DA Form 5646 – Statement of Conditions of Service is a crucial document for members of the Active Guard Reserve (AGR). It serves as a written agreement between an AGR member and the United States Army, providing an official record of the terms and conditions that define the relationship. This document outlines all relevant legal requirements, rights, and obligations necessary for AGR service. It also helps to ensure that AGR members understand their responsibilities under both military and civilian law.

Download DA FORM 5646 – Statement Of Conditions Of Service – Active Guard Reserve (AGR)

Form Number DA FORM 5646
Form Title Statement Of Conditions Of Service – Active Guard Reserve (AGR)
Published 03/01/2017
Prescribing Pub AR 135-18
File Size 26 KB

DA FORM 5646 (8 downloads )

What is a DA FORM 5646?

The DA Form 5646 is a crucial document for any members of the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) program. It serves to outline the rights, responsibilities and conditions of service for the members, providing them with information about their obligations and entitlements. This document outlines the full range of benefits available to AGR personnel, including pay, leave, medical care and other allowances.

Where Can I Find a DA FORM 5646?

The Active Guard Reserve (AGR) program provides opportunities for individuals to serve in the US Army Reserve while also providing full-time support to National Guard units. The DA FORM 5646 is an essential document that outlines the conditions of service for AGR personnel and serves as a legally binding agreement between the Army and the AGR members. This article provides an overview of DA FORM 5646, what it includes, and its importance for those who are part of the AGR program.

DA FORM 5646 – Statement Of Conditions Of Service – Active Guard Reserve (AGR)

The Active Guard Reserve (AGR) is an important program run by the United States Army that provides soldiers with full-time support and training related to their military service. It is a viable option for those wishing to serve in the armed forces of the United States. The DA Form 5646, also known as the Statement of Conditions of Service, outlines the specifics of how this program works and what it requires from participants.

DA FORM 5646 – Example

DA FORM 5646 - Statement Of Conditions Of Service - Active Guard Reserve (Agr)